Recruiting Success Story

Client: Rosy Wellness

Rosy is a seed-stage tech company with a mission to create solutions that empower women on their journey toward sexual wellness. Our team at Envision Inclusion had the pleasure of meeting Rosy's CEO, Dr. Lyndsey Harper, and we were instantly captivated by Rosy's mission. We eagerly agreed to take charge of the search for Rosy's inaugural Chief Technology Officer and subsequently helped them recruit their first software engineering hire.

“I was thrilled with my experience with Gloria and her team! They helped me throughout the process, not only finding excellent candidates but also giving me feedback on strategy and negotiation.”

— Lyndsey Harper, CEO & Founder @ Rosy

Role: Founding CTO at Rosy

Our team fully grasped the significance of this pivotal executive role. A successful candidate would need to possess both hands-on development skills to oversee Rosy's codebase and strong leadership abilities to establish and expand the engineering team as Rosy grows. While there is always a sense of urgency in making hires, the need for a CTO at Rosy was particularly pressing, as they would be responsible for driving app development from day one. Each day without this hire meant lost productivity and hindered progress towards fulfilling the company's mission.

Moreover, during our discussions, team diversity emerged as a clear priority for Rosy. They expressed a strong desire to fill this critical C-level position with someone from an underrepresented background in the tech industry.

Our Process

Following our initial intake conversation with Lyndsey, our team got to work. We dedicated a significant portion of our time to identifying and reaching out to C-level engineering candidates from underrepresented groups, specifically targeting women, Black, and Latinx individuals. Rosy's remote-friendly work environment provided us with the flexibility to expand our search beyond a single metropolitan area, greatly enhancing our ability to find suitable candidates. Our search strategies involved utilizing specific search strings to target metropolitan areas with higher concentrations of BIPOC professionals and leveraging professional networks and groups focused on Black engineers, Latinx engineers, and women in tech.




Weeks to Hire


Our team presented Rosy with a diverse group of exceptionally qualified candidates for the interview process. Among them, one candidate stood out consistently throughout the entire process. From the initial message exchanged on LinkedIn to the acceptance of the offer, his journey took approximately 5 weeks.

Around six months later, we collaborated directly with the recently hired CTO to facilitate the recruitment and hiring of the team's first female engineer.


Sourced Candidates


Top Candidates